BEING a great raconteur, means you speak with intelligence through stories and as the ol’ timers say… “a great bullshitter”. Raconteurs must have a personality that draws people to them, and you will either like or dislike a raconteur, immediately. Most people that dislike a raconteur do not have the ability to see the humor or the real truth underlying the words.They try to label him as a liar, a buffoon, a clown, a braggart to belittle the truth…AND usually have an underlying agenda to promote.
Haters make a word the story and expose the lies within themselves in the process…Agenda driven haters make statistics they try to prove as unreal, label them lies and thus the raconteur a liar. What are statistics anyway. Most never can possibly be based upon all the facts, all the data, a real time description and can be manipulated by adding or eliminating data not supporting the agenda. Most importantly, they are not remembered, boring, nor does anyone really believe any of them…
A raconteur is liked because the truth underlying the story is felt personally and the intent of truth realized…Purported fact is never really a fact for all time…and all statistics come and go like the wind…
GREAT leaders lay out a vision for success, engage, interact, empower others, are generous in spirit and deliver the means to get there…
“The greatest leaders in history were all raconteurs…”
This may be the most accurate character analysis of President Donald Trump, on the internet, in the media, ever given….