FREE at last
AS an old no color guy, I have been waiting for the Equal Rights Women Amendment. Finally, no more husband jokes, old white male put downs; a woman asks me out on date and pays. No special opportunity because you're a woman in the workplace, military draft for women, equal time to make myself look good, having my woman stand up for me, open doors for me, equal time to not talk and take out the garbage when I want. Freedom to use the "bitch" word, no requirement to listen to complaining, no holding back in athletic competition or gaming, time off of work for man problems, no- no color male job quota limits and a whole new world of freedom... Thank God Almighty I Am FREE At Last..

If you don’t get political humor, find this offensive, you might want to live in third world socialist country, that does not allow this kind of free speech…you can always choose not to read it as that is also a choice. Equality has two sides, like a coin, and there is always a result by choosing heads or tails….