BILLION DOLLAR EGO has donned the cape crusader savior role and is going to show the world how all the democrat candidates are not worthy of the presidency and only his ego can save the United States if Americva from the democrats heap of unworthy candidates and of course TRUMP! He brought you the ban on the 32oz. soda in NY and saved that state 12$ on nothing. Of course he is against the 2ND AMENDMENT and will obviously take the guns like all the other democrats. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND BUYS THIS SHIT!!!!
FOR SURE he will sell off Bloomberg TV and Wall street holdings, as not to have any conflicts of interest. If Trump’s Washington Hotel is a conflict of interest how does Bloomberg TV keep him as owner and keep his name. AS if advertisers would not be after favors and Wall street insiders getting the inside on his decisions. What you say about that DEMS. Gonna run screamin to mama… Fowl. Cheat. Lier, Phukhead… like you have for TRUMP for last 3 years…Of course it won’t matter to any dems… cuz they are…
“never guilty of anything” except screwin underage girls ?????