big time
In the world of art the senses are prime…keen, awakened, aroused…
Appreciation is kinetic and undeniable. Effects are seen as inspiration,
enlightenment, respect and adulation.
The fractal is math and yet art, art into infinity…
Look at this design, a repeating pattern in black and white.
The full spectrum of grey scale…rich black to brilliant white.
black-the absence of light-color
white-the entire spectrum of light-color
grey-the shades of the brain
scroll over fractal and zoom
clear your mind and stare at the pattern…something will come to you
comment what that is
been a long time since i visited the big time…wooof woooof woooooooooof…
the grey scale exists to show us the space between the colors…afterall it is the space in between where all good lies and if we pause and look we often see things never imagined and truly rewarding. see what i’m saying, feel what i mean…getalonglittldoggies
very good post, i definitely love this web site, keep on it and my brain is greyer then grey
You have a lot of useful suggestions here. This is a well done article that puts goo in a whole new perspective.
I am aware of of the fantastic discovery reading through your webblog. Thanks for providing the informative, safe, explanatory and even cool tips on the topic of fractal hunting and mindblowin strategy for making the big time seem small.
I want to rule interspace and the datadrip…nowthat is a fineplanintoinfinityandback
schody no dody…the big time is so small as so few go there…actually can be lonely for many by my observation and good luck rulin the datadrip as that is like havin a dragon by the tail…and well interspace rocks and is best inside an orgasm, don’t you think.
remember, there is no coming back from infinity…
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