IMPEACHMENT is an exercise of political assassination meant to destroy a sitting President as to remove him from office and kill his agenda in favor of the party ordering the impeachment. The framers insisted that it would be partisan. It is fed by hate and by power corruption. To think of it in any other way is just sugar coating. Impeachment not based upon real laws broken and driven only politically, have consequences. When Impeachment fails the backlash is ugly and long lasting. Sanctuary status to cities and states is modern day Succession. Each place and each reason a Sanctuary is set in place becomes a mini succession from the United States of America Constitution and Law. Progression of such, by countless areas in the United states, can only lead to Chaos and eventually Civil War. Anti sanctuaries will follow. The south succeeded from the Union because they did not have votes to impeach Abe Lincoln, which they would have done day one of Inauguration.The verdict is still out on if Lincoln was killed because he was elected to a second term, and Political factions, both Internal and abroad, had to stop Lincoln’s Executive orders for Reconstruction and for not re- implementing the Federal Reserve