A FEDERALANTI is not a Republican and is not a Democrat. A true Independent not as a party but as no party affiliation, including a label of Independent. To be a candidate and to serve as a FEDERALANTI, A human being must take the oath and pledge allegiance to the Federalanti cause and agree to adhere to all that is required to serve as Federalanti.

MEMBERS Must denounce all past affiliations to any group, cause, race, gender or idealism and put all past thinking behind and agree to live and breath Federalantism.


a FEDERALANTI, BY DEFINTION: Is a Strong Believer of the United States Constitution, and as intended with the Declaration of Independence; Agrees to support and defend it always, and at their heart strive to honor and protect it in all aspects as written and applied, so help them God; and to defend and protect with their life, if necessary.

THE PURPOSE IS TO SUPPORT AND VOTE AS A WHOLE AND TO WORK WITHIN A United States Congress and U.S. Senate, as a member on behalf of the constituents that voted them and the Federalanti cause into office. To elect enough members into office to break stalemate legislation and neutralize politics to promote the will of people with expediency and positive results.

The FEDERALANTI CREED is to vote issues into law that affect all Americans – present and future, as prescribed by well thought and researched criteria by experts and along with the majority will of the people, that defines the position of the FEDERALANTI cause.

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