New TAXES – EnD of the MiDDle CLASS
Property Taxes – Will Increase 3%
Sales Tax: Will Increase 1/2-1%
Utility Tax: Will Increase 1%
Sin Tax: will Increase 3-20%
Phone, TV, Internet Tax: Will Increase 2%
The main problem with government is that they feel they are justified in
raising these type of taxes as if that is okay and certainly keeping their
promises of not raising income tax. We are being nickel dimed to death
as the saying goes.As Jim Morrison said, “This is the End”.
The Middle Class will disappear within the next 3 years. The Straw that
breaks the camels back is now being implemented. The Middle Class
has carried the tax burden of this country for decades. It will no longer be
able to scrape the money together to make all the ends meet. When is it
too much. Now Now Now. Watch and be sure to record the good ole days.
Want to stop it. We need government that will roll back costs, make no
new ones, reduce government, programs and all the costs that we can
no longer afford. Take all of your bills and add up the total tax you pay
a month and then you will know that enough is enough.If you feel you can
elect someone that can change this you need to take a reality course.
Join the Federalantis and demand-” all new and no more”