killin time – hollywood style
Just another day in hollywooooood
haven’t seen the ocean in awhile…. think i should…..
the power of mass communication is just beginning to seize the
potential here. as awesome as it is the monsters are going to get quite large.
gooogooo, face, twit and what’s commin’
you ain’t seen nothin’ yet superdudes.
some dudes surf the big big baaaad waves…
i support freedom of a man to be all he can and do not want a government
telling me what is good for me or how to live. let there be for all time
freedom of choice. do not judge what you do not know or for what you
do not respect. every effort made should be for the betterment of life
yours, but not at the expense of those you meet.
what are you willing to do in the name of gooooood today…
just another day in hollywood… peace admin