THE MEN changing the economic tide of America. by taking on the problems of the United States, on the world level, they are making the American Economy stronger than ever. Because they believe in Trump and are willing to take on the immense problems of this country, and by serving; the U.S.A. will be in a place of strength to change the economic dynamics, as needed, for the major economic forces coming.
They have changed the dialogue of all countries, making the share of expenditures more equal and balancing trade by putting the U.S. in a direction to succeed. All countries will benefit, as we win, so will others.
AS a country, because Trump has in place men that understand the complexities and most important can communicate to others to get them done, the country economy is poised to skyrocket into the fifth dimension. Trump not only understands the need, but his intelligence drives it. Trump is these men’s leader, and they understand and appreciate this well..If this was not the case none of these men would serve in government, and if Trump was not who he is, none of what has been accomplished would have been done.
The greatest economic advisors ever assembled by a President of the United States will be forever known in history,
Robert Lighthizer, Steve Mnuchin, Larry Kudlow, Peter Navarro Wilbur Ross…