The Democrats demanded a Special Council to Get Trump because an impartial Congress and Senate, headed by Republicans could not possibly do it. For 3 years we have heard adjectives to describe this special prosecutor, by Democrats, the media, pundants, and Never Trumpers, in the millions…Impeccable, honorable, unheralded, unbiased, non prejudiced, Sincere, Trustworthy, kind, obedient, loyal, proven, undeniable, and probably another 25K I can’t remember.
So this man hired as the deep state gun who could give the goods to those willing to pay…paidtoplay. Why stop I ask, its time to look at the payers and players. Democrats with very deep pockets. Try Steyer, Soros, Hollywood, The Big 6 Media companies and Silicone Pact. We’re talking trillions…read my lips… TRILLIONS spent and they are just getting started. Now why should a democrat that will stay a democrat, no matter what, no matter how crooked, no matter how lame, no matter how deep and dark the money, no matter how bad for the country, no matter how bad for the people…give a SCHITZ…Never did and never will. Denial and excuse… I didn’t know is no longer an option.
Democrats are evolving: as the enemy; of the law of the land, equal justice and usurpers of… The Constitution of the United States!
you think its over…like i am going to stop lickin my ass… wooof wooof