HOOLYWOOD, is mostly over; the power players of making art, have passed. Clint Eastwood, still demands respect as nobody in new Hollywood dares to cross him. As a filmmaker he is only, one of one, that can makes anything he wants and anyway he wants to. Havin worked in Hollywood for 30 years, I met him one time. I was Assistant Director on a commercial shooting on Warner Bros, sound stage #8, which was next to Clint’s bungalow offices. He had his own private parking spaces, of course, that no one dared to park in. In the commercial making business, comes along a lot of clients and ad agency people, that want to follow their own rules. Someone had parked in Clint’s spot and he came onto our sound stage and asked to talk to the Assistant Director. That was me. He said, “Someone has parked in my parking spot and it would be a good thing if they moved.” He was kind of in that glare he so well shows in his acting. I was caught off guard, and said the first thing that came to my mind. “Clint, I will find out who it is and have him shot!” Clint smiled and said “I would appreciate that.” We had a meeting of minds. He turned and left, and I knew, for future employment, I had to find out who was in that parking spot…I put 2 production assistants on it to find the owner and move it immediately, or have it towed in 10 minutes!
When Clint is no longer in Hollywood, that day will mark the full release of the New World Order Hollywood, Media streaming to the World, to the masses. Dollars not Art…..megamediacorporatecongolmerates driven by profit and world political control…
3 things a man still needs. A canteen, at least water in a glass bottle, not plastic…a car, that he drives…freedom to go anywhere, anytime – not a robotic driver less vehicle and full protection of the 2nd amendment, a right to bear ARMS!