Recognizes you and can be ordered to arrest, wound or vaporize Perp.

Federal Law Requires all Major Airports to have A Standard Issue smart Fence so that only entrance to property is through controlled points of entry. Airports do not have partial fences or fences that can be breached. Smart fences contain sensors that detect movement under, over or through. These fences are efficient and quick to build.
With Thousands of airports in this country and that fact that 125,000 flights enter and exit them a day, is a prime reason to secure the southern border. We do not need a wall nor do we need to make some kind of political statement about it. That is just insanity. Would we only have part of a fence around an airport or not care if only one or two or Ten Thousand were breaching it.
Politics have become: Stupidity Rules – and there is no relevance by politicians, congressmen and senators to prioritize this countries real needs. This country is hacked – by the second – every single day, by Countries, Thieves, and host of bad actors; and we are all at risk. Trump is not your enemy;or is he going to bring an end to your world.
The Chinese, N. Koreans,, Iranians and host of countries, full of zealots want world dominance and yes includes Russia. We need to secure our cyber border, southern borders, borders by sea.
We need to protect our infrastructure, Nuclear, Electric grid, transportation Grid, banking and on and on. Legislation needs to move toward this goal, and rapidly. THIS IS THE INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS TO PRIORITIZE.
Build the fucking border fence as a smart fence to protect our Airports, if nothing else. Put immigrants on tracks to be in or out of this county permanently.
Start having the talks about POPULATION CONTROL, the real enemy of us all – and must be worldwide.
Repeat on PURPOSE: Build the fucking southern border fence as a smart fence where needed- to protect our Airports, if nothing else. Put illegal immigrants on tracks to be in or out of this county permanently and start having the talks about POPULATION CONTROL. OVERPOPULATION, the real enemy of us all worldwide.
Global Warming and the efforts to control or eliminate will fail, and attempts are fruitless, if we do not concern ourselves by the critical effects of over population. A blind man can see it already at play.
The Police AI controlled robot is days away and we all will live in a Robocop world. Robot cops with vaporizers will see your crime in action identify you with a worldwide AI database and immediately arrest or terminate you. In an overpopulated world this will be a mandatory way to so call protect us.
Under 2nd amendment rights we should all want to own one of these armed robots. Our guns are worthless against this kind of government weapon. CONTROLLING THESE IS WHERE THE POWER LIES.
There are over 30,000 surveillance cameras in the saNctuary city of Chicago, and this is their priority and yet they have the highest crime rate in the county and the most spied upon citizenry in the world, so far, and that includes China.
WAKE UP – Fence to keep out illegal entry or live under Robots to keep you in place!
now that makes sense